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Increasing resistance to Antibiotics will have serious impact on healthcare
29/Jan/2024: Increasing resistance to Antibiotics will have serious impact on healthcare
Changing Paradigm of war – increasing humanitarian crisis
12/Jan/2024: Changing Paradigm of war – increasing humanitarian crisis
Misleading advertisements in medicine pose a serious health hazard
18/Dec/2023: Misleading advertisements in medicine pose a serious health hazard
COP28 fails to take cognizance of impact of militarization on climate change
07/Dec/2023: COP28 fails to take cognizance of impact of militarization on climate change
Children’s Cry for peace will not go in vain
21/Nov/2023: Children’s Cry for peace will not go in vain
Threat of use of nuclear weapon in Gaza is unacceptable
14/Nov/2023: Threat of use of nuclear weapon in Gaza is unacceptable
70 hours a week – a serious health hazard
06/Nov/2023: 70 hours a week – a serious health hazard

Homage to Dr Parveen Kaur w/o Dr Surinder Singh Soodan
25/Oct/2023: Homage to Dr Parveen Kaur w/o Dr Surinder Singh Soodan

Jammu and Kashmir - IDPD annual meeting
21/Oct/2023: Jammu and Kashmir - IDPD annual meeting 21st October 2023 - Srinagar

Seminar held to Mark the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
09/Jul/2023: Build strong narrative to stop arms race and abolish nuclear weapons

Report of 23rd World Congress of IPPNW
29/Apr/2023: Report of 23rd World Congress of IPPNW

Mombasa Appeal for peace and prevention of nuclear war
29/Apr/2023: Mombasa Appeal for peace and prevention of nuclear war

Webinar on Forward to Global Nuclear Disarmament
08/Aug/2021: Webinar on Forward to Global Nuclear Disarmament
Universal healthcare system the only the way to meet calamities like COVID – IDPD
16/May/2021: Universal healthcare system the only the way to meet calamities like COVID – IDPD
IPPNW South Asia Webinar on “Lessons from Pandemic – Build Hospitals not Bombs”
25/Apr/2021: IPPNW South Asia Webinar on “Lessons from Pandemic – Build Hospitals not Bombs”

IDPD demands all nuclear weapons states to join TPNW
20/Feb/2021: Seminar on TPNW in Imphal capital of Manipur in North East India

Webinar of South Asian Affiliates of IPPNW
26/Sep/2020: Webinar of South Asian Affiliates of IPPNW 26th September 2020

IPPNW South Asia Webinar 2 Aug 2020
02/Aug/2020: Notes from the Webinar South Asian Affiliates of IPPNW, held on 2nd August 2020

International Seminar 14 March 2020 at New Delhi
14/Mar/2020: International seminar ”Against the Bomb: for Peace, Health and Development”

Press conference by Dr Arun Mitra on health situation in Kashmir
11/Oct/2019: Press conference by Dr Arun Mitra on health situation in Kashmir

18 September 2019 Astana, Kazakhstan - International Practical-Scientific Antinuclear Conference
18/Sep/2019: 18 September 2019 Astana, Kazakhstan - International Practical-Scientific Antinuclear Conference

31 August and 1 September IDPD National Conference held at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
01/Sep/2019: 31 August and 1 September IDPD National Conference held at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day observed in different places
09/Aug/2019: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day observed in different places

28 July 2019 Bikaner, Rajasthan Doctors as saviours of mankind – Dr Arun Mitra addresses the medical fraternity in Bikaner
28/Jul/2019: 28 July 2019 Bikaner, Rajasthan Doctors as saviours of mankind – Dr Arun Mitra addresses the medical fraternity in Bikaner

9 July 2019 Jammu: IDPD seminar on Peace, Health & Development at IDS Sehora, Jammu
09/Jul/2019: 9 July 2019 Jammu: IDPD seminar on Peace, Health & Development at IDS Sehora, Jammu

Report of seminar on Healthcare Education Policy
30/Jun/2019: Report of seminar on Healthcare Education Policy

The BMJ South Asia collection 2020 Authors consultation – May 29, Dubai
29/May/2019: The BMJ South Asia collection 2020 Authors consultation – May 29, Dubai
Take Immediate Steps to stop war and resume dialogue
27/Feb/2019: Take Immediate Steps to stop war and resume dialogue

Make Health a Fundamental Right
17/Feb/2019: Seminar on “Present Health Scenario in India” at Amritsar

Round Table Meet
12/Feb/2019: Round Table Meet on Rising Costs of Life Saving Medicines Is there a limit ?

14th World Congress on Bioethics held at Bengaluru
05/Dec/2018: 14th World Congress on Bioethics held at Bengaluru

First international congress on Health for peace 14-16 Nov Shiraz- Iran
16/Nov/2018: First international congress on Health for peace 14-16 Nov Shiraz- Iran
North South Asia IPPNW affiliates meet
13/Sep/2018: North South Asia IPPNW affiliates to build Pan Asia movement for peace and disarmament Indian delegation makes effective contribution

Seminar in Vancouver, Canada on "Role of Doctors in Promoting Nuclear Disarmament"
14/Jul/2018: Seminar in Vancouver, Canada
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON “The Landmark Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons Opportunities and Challenges”

Doctors challenge corporate hospitals’ claims of better quality imported stents
26/Feb/2017: February 26, 2017: The Alliance of Doctors for Ethical Healthcare (ADEH) has questioned the claims of the corporate hospitals that the imported stents were in anyway

IDPD Condemns move to Decontrol Drug Prices
19/Dec/2016: 19 December 2016 Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) has taken strong exception to the central government's move to dismantle the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

Seminar on National Medical Commission
27/Nov/2016: Chennai 27 November 2016 Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) in association with Doctors’ Association for Social Equality (DASE) organised a conference on 27th November 2016


IPPNW South Asian Regional Meet 26-27 September 2016 DHAKA (Bangladesh)
26/Sep/2016: On the theme “Emerging health & social crisis of South Asia”, Physicians for Social Responsibility Bangladesh (PSR,B) organized the 'IPPNW South Asian

IDPD Statement on Terrorist Violence on Dhaka (Bangladesh)
15/Jul/2016: We are much disturbed at the terrorist violence in Dhaka. As has been rightly said by Prime Minister Hasina Wajed, such inhuman acts are contrary to the teachings of religion

IDPD Appeal for Communal Harmony
17/Jun/2016: 17 June 2016: Indian Doctors for Peace and Development have strongly condemned the sacrilegious acts at temples in Janipur and Nanak Nagar areas of Jammu.

IDPD Nationwide Campaign on “Health Through Peace”
28/May/2016: Jammu and Srinagar - The IDPD (Indian Doctors for Peace and Development), have initiated the national campaign on the “Challenges of Public Health and Opportunities

IDPD Nationwide Campaign on “Health Through Peace”
21/Mar/2016: Carrying forward the decisions of the 10th national conference held at Patna, several activities have been taken up by different state chapters and the students wing of the IDPD.

4th to 6th March 2016 - 10th IDPD National Cofnerence cum Pan Asia IPPNW medical students and young doctors meet
04/Mar/2016: The 10th National Conference of Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna on 5th and 6th March 2016

21st February 2016 Varanasi - IDPD Uttar Pradesh State Conference
21/Feb/2016: The Uttar Pradesh state chapter of Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) organized state level conference at Varanasi on the them Health

Agartala 9th February 2016
09/Feb/2016: A meeting was held at Agartala. Dr Yudhisthir Das gave an account of the history of IPPNW and IDPD and highlighted their contribution toward promoting peace

Kolkata 7th February 2016
07/Feb/2016: Dr Arun Mitra gave a presentation on “Prevention of war and violence – a medical challenge” at the Platinum Jubilee conference of West Bengal unit of the Indian Medical Association.

Hanumangarh 28th December 2015
28/Dec/2015: IDPD Rajasthan unit held a meeting about national conference to be held at Patna. Leading physicians Dr Rajiv Munjal, Dr Paras Jain,

Nagpur 27th December 2015
27/Dec/2015: A meeting was held at IMA house Nagpur. Prominent among those who participated in the meeting include Dr S L Shiohare, Dr Mrs.V.S.Dani, Dr S B Khobargade, Dr Mrs.

Vijaywada 25 December 2015
25/Dec/2015: Vijaywada 25 December 2015 A meeting of doctors from South Indian states viz Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala and Tamil Nadu was held at Vijaywada

Kolkata 7 December 2015
07/Dec/2015: A seminar was held at Calcutta Medical College, Kolkota in which large number of faculty and students participated. Dr Subhash Chakraborty

18 November 2015 - IDPD Press Statement on Terrorism
18/Nov/2015: The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) has demanded check on the proliferation of the small arms to prevent ongoing violence leading to loss

27 Oct 2015 - PPP in healthcare system will lead to complete denial of healthcare to the poor people
27/Oct/2015: The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) has taken strong exception to the government’s move for outright Public Private Participation (PPP) in the health

21 Oct 2015 - IDPD statement on intolerance
21/Oct/2015: The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) has expressed grave concern at the efforts to spread intolerance in the country which is threatening the social harmony

IDPD donates medicines for Jammu region
17/Oct/2015: The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) handed over medicines for people of Jammu region affected by the floods and also for victims of border firings
12/Oct/2015: WEAPONS. The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons and the Civil Society Forum (CSF) of International

IDPD comments on Draft National Health Policy -2015
10/Oct/2015: Even after more than 67 years of independence the successive governments have failed to provide universal healthcare to the people. India is a signatory to the Alma Ata

IDPD Comments on Public notice by MHFW Govt. of India on use of Generics Drugs
05/Oct/2015: Indian Doctors for Peace and Development endorse the initiative of the Government of India to prescribe drugs in legible and capital letters in the generic names only

CME at Govt. Medical College Amritsar 9th August 2015 on Health, Development & Ethics
03/Oct/2015: There is need for collective effort to prevent the biggest ever health tragedy

Homage to the victims of atomic bombing at Hiroshima on the occasion of 70th anniversary
01/Sep/2015: The Rajasthan unit of IDPD observed Hiroshima day at Kanha Ram Memorial Hospital, Hanumangarh to pay homage victims of atomic bombing at Hiroshima

IDPD Relief Work for Earthquake in Nepal
25/Aug/2015: The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) in coordination with Indian Medical Association (IMA) Punjab sent a truck load of relief material with 200 shelter

IDPD Seminar at Hanumangarh (Rajastahn) on 12 April 2015
12/Apr/2015: The Rajasthan unit of Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) has decided to form peace committees in the villages starting from village Makkarsar near


IDPD Interactive Session at New Delhi on 8th March 2015
08/Mar/2015: There is need to organize people’s movements even more vociferously now to achieve nuclear disarmament and denounce militarism. This was the message that emanated

Imphal 8th February 2016
08/Feb/2015: DPD organized a seminar at the Jawahar Lal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences Imphal in which large number of students and faculty participated

IDPD Annual Central Council Meeting 1st February 2015 Agra (UP)
01/Feb/2015: Proceedings of the meeting The meeting was held at Guest House of S N Medical College, Agra 1st February 2015 under the chairmanship of Dr S S Soodan – Senior

30/Dec/2014: (Date: 30.12.2014) Use of low carbon renewable energy resources are the only way out to prevent the adverse effects as a result of climate change. Failure to take effective

25/Dec/2014: (Date: 25.12.2014) Indian Doctors for Peace & Development (IDPD) has strongly condemned the decision of government of India to cut health budget by 20%.

Seminar at New Delhi 9th March 2014
09/Mar/2014: (IDPD) has demanded from the political parties to define their health agenda in the upcoming elections to the Parliament.

Central Council Meeting at Imphal: Seminar at Imphal and Agartala IDPD Annual Central Council Meeting Held at Imphal (Manipur) on 9th February 2014.

16 January: Seminar at Economics Department Government College of Boys, Ludhiana
16/Jan/2014: Increase in spending on health and education is the most essential perquisite for the development and inclusive growth of a society. Therefore it is of utmost importance

30 December: IDPD Concern over go -ahead to Fatehabad N-Plant
30/Dec/2013: The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) has expressed serious concern at the decision of the ministry of Environment government of India to grant

28 December: IDPD Seminar at Government College for Boys (Ludhiana)
28/Dec/2013: Increase health spending from 1.2% of the GDP to 6% to provide comprehensive health care to all. Addressing a seminar organized by the NSS at the Government

24 November: IDPD Peace Mission to Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh)
24/Nov/2013: An IDPD peace team visited Muzaffarnagar on 24th November 2013. The team went to Shahpur town, Kutba, Kutbi and Kankra villages which were hit by the violence over two and half months ago....

Seminar at Rajgarh (Rajasthan)
10/Nov/2013: The Rajasthan unit of IDPD in association with the citizens organized a seminar BUILDING FUTURE THROUGH PEACE AND HEALTH on 6th October 2013 at Rajgarh Town,

3 September: IDPD Seminar at Govt. College for Girls (Ludhian)
03/Sep/2013: Dr Arun Mittra General Secretary IDPD informed how we can build a secured future through peace and health. He also stressed that like all industries,

Seminar at Yamunanagar (Haryana)
30/Aug/2013: The Haryana unit of IDPD organized a seminar on BUILDING FUTURE THROUGH PEACE AND HEALTH on 1st September at Yamunanagar. Dr Karan Singh gav

20/Aug/2013: (Presentation Made on Behalf of Eco Monitors Society at the Eco Revival Summit 98 on 9th November 1998 at the India International Centre, New Delhi)
The international congress on Social And Health Effects Of Small Arms held at Germany from 30th May to 2nd June 2013
30/Jul/2013: The international congress on Social And Health Effects Of Small Arms held at Germany from 30th May to 2nd June 2013
Fukushima Day Report of Meeting at Patiala, March 10, 2013
10/Mar/2013: Renewable energy resources can meet all our energy requirements. They are also clean, transparent and safe source of energy. India has the potential of generating
Report of 9th National Conference IDPD held at Ludhiana 15 to 17 February 2013
15/Feb/2013: The 9th national conference for the Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) attended by 376 doctors, medical students and concerned citizens, held at Ludhiana

IDPD Activities at Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bathinda
23/Dec/2012: IDPD Activities at Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bathinda

Seminar at Jammu and Kashmir
22/Nov/2012: JAMMU, Nov 22: A seminar on Peace & Society- Public Health Perspective was organised at Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences and Hospital Sidhra, near here today.

Programmes in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamilnadu
01/Nov/2012: Programmes in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamilnadu

26/Sep/2012: NO MORE HIROSHIMAS - NO MORE FUKUSHIMAS - Message from the 20th World Congress of IPPNW 22nd to 26th August 2012 Hiroshima

22 May 2012
22/May/2012: 22 May 2012 - IDPD Statement in response to Government of India’s plan to engage Psychiatrists to counsel the anti nuclear protestors
25 April, 2012 - Press Conference on Nuclear Famine: A Billion People at Risk
25/Apr/2012: 5 April, 2012 - Press Conference on Nuclear Famine: A Billion People at Risk ndian Doctors for Peace

15 April, 2012 - Central Council Meeting held at AITUC Bhawan, New Delhi
15/Apr/2012: 5 April, 2012 - Central Council Meeting held at AITUC Bhawan, New Delhi

21 March, 2012 - Nuclear Energy Neither Safe Nor Economical - Hoshiarpur (Punjab)
21/Mar/2012: 21 March, 2012 - Nuclear Energy Neither Safe Nor Economical - Hoshiarpur (Punjab) While expressing solidarity with the people of Japan at the devastation caused

10 March, 2012 - Seminar at Nashik (Maharashtra)
10/Mar/2012: A Seminar on Health through Peace was conducted at Dr Vasantrao Pawar Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, held in association with Indian Doctors
2nd North-South joint conference of IPPNW held at Kathmandu
24/Nov/2011: 2nd North-South joint conference of IPPNW held at Kathmandu